Wednesday, 6 October 2010

The Lizard and his canny Lizard ways

Here is my Lizard produced in the year that I went to the Fringe festival and I found myself wanting and needing to evolve spiritually in so many ways after having had lost a great girlfriend of mine. She had taken a great chunk out of me and so in some ways we recuperate we always do. I found myself wondering how I could wander along to the Fringe, after having spent some months moping. Obviously on reflection I found it rather amusing that we have a lot of wasteful moments to let ourselves regenerate, the human soul needs the time though, probably because something powerful was needed to make love seem lovely in its tremendous bountiful abandon, that on its return made me feel I was looking head long down a tremulous tunnel that shook and shuddered. I do feel ingratiated nevertheless though.
Well here he is produced on a day that was weekend of April going May, the exact date loses me, but the year was 2008. That means that in the 2 years I had been doing sculpting, I had also been battling some other issues, however the amount of produced pieces is not inducive to the sudden plenty that come to be aroused into production once the sparks fly closer to the fire and then one is like the piston that revolves near to the train always chugging round. I produced this piece thinking of a lady reclining on a stone, then when talking with a man called Anthony I found myself instead hoping to produce something simpler.
He said ''You must look into the stone'' and his son was also there. It was really great being humbled under the watchful eye of someone who had suffered difficulties like his friend who was named Elvis. And they both had suffered in Zimbabwee. I had never suffered such hardships, however we all suffer some in different ways. I was taken aback when I realised that even when I produced something that was not what I wanted it would turn out alright. However it did. And so much so that later on a lot of people had found they were suprising me with the idea that it was definitely looking like a Lizard.
 The face is suggestive of a creature that has the same humble distinctive look I have however he has sports a special head that allows him to nudge things out of the way with his horn. He is very much like the lizard found in the Russell Crowe film, ''Master and Commander'' (love that film with the endearing eyes of Russell Crowe, even though at times he can also be a braggard).
I found that I very happy he sported a great big chest, a long tail that was sanded many more times than the feet, don't know how many, maybe a couple more times. -And does it matter.-
The cheeky look of the mouth also states that there something that inherently of me still found life bouncy, happy, joyful, yet somehow slightly content even when a great deal was considered difficult in whatever way life presents itself.

On this side of his face the red stone whatever kind that was slightly involved in the smallest part of this rock that flecks his face so correctly it makes one wonder what he would look like if he did so happen to have a different form in some other animal form. I also wonder, if the rock could have been further extended so there was a deeper recess below his chest, be he looks snug (comfortable anyhow!).
Its a sort of childlike expression to be like a kid in a bed, who has bound himself into a ball in bed. Sort of sweet maybe, I remember a friend of mine doing that, even I doing that in Jeddah when I lived Saudi Arabia, when sleeping on Bunk beds. The friend of course was one of many twins who was the third youngest.

Maybe he has a fiery cheekiness to him, you know perhaps lets ask ourselves what sort of cheekiness best describes a lizard that might be akin to living around human beings most of the time. Would it be scottish, Irish or maybe whatever the choice I would love to know about a story that someone would get involved in showing the fact that they had been inspired by my sculpture, to write about a Galapagos lizard. A little like a story I read once about a naughty monkey, I forget the name, of a monkey on the front cover who is yellow furred and always did mischief in the captains quarters stealing this or that. But one would make the story unique and not plagiarise or use too much of the same ideas remaining in other stories so that the juiciness would definitely grab the viewer like some magnetically drawn turretted lizard themselves. Their eagerly awaiting to curve and curl the next page on.

 Here is the lizard showing his wonderful back off to us and the lovely lined edges of his hind legs. He is a creature with a slight hunched soldiers that suggests he shrugs off the parts of life that are either too difficult or just a bore for anyone including himself. I like the way that I was contemplating using the Hammer to tinker away at creating a spikey texture and I loved the conversation I had with a friend called Jazzy, who really is a gem of a friend. She made me smile today with a great white in the eyes glee, like Santa somehow. haha. Wonderful the friends we have indeed! We were talking about how I thought that a magpie reminded me of her, who was trying to pluck out a worm between two cracks in a pavement. It was such a funny magpie obviously being cheeky himself, allowing me to see the beauty in the odd magpie having a 'crack' (no pun intended) at keeping the human beans kept on geussing. I did think ''You daft thing, what do you think you will find'', he looked at me craftily and perhaps said '' I am getting that worm even if you think it is impossibly, you'll see'' - what a funny thing.

Here again we see the big bulge of the Luther lizard and how he so loving sits on this rock contemplating the moving shores that so pleasantly move over the azure blue waters, the lull of those waves a never ending ''Shhhhhhhhh''.... Beautiful.

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