Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Fire Wisdom Lizard

Here is a Lizard that was brought about because of a previous Lizard first made when I was attempting to learn sculpture making in 2008 after a split with a girlfriend, that was very painful.
However, being that I am quite proactive, I managed to thrive off sculpting for atleast 6 years and made atleast 15 sculptures in all that time, sometime busier than other times.
In the future I look to hopefully having a studio and attempting larger pieces, as it is tempting sometimes to see what ever else manifests as the rock is larger I have more of a lease of life, to scour more rock and make a more grand vision of things.
Here I show Wisdom Lizard which is also been useful for me to write either a short or long story to...

You can see the red part of his face, just like the Fiery fish, except in this case, he has a cheeky and satisfied expression on his right face. He is being Sylvanus who is the father in the story I slowly write...

As you can see what now needs to happen is that I must carefully put more curls on his head and scales all around his eye and mouth area, I then curve out the chin more and I round the nose, I create another nasal passage for the right nostril, I also put a strident look to it, and I work on his cheeky side too....Don't forget the cheek has not quite procured itself either....And so I will make a similar thing and then sand it down to get the right effect.

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