Sunday, 18 January 2015

3 Sculptures getting a very sandy wet look

3 Seeds Wisdom Sculpture, Wolf Eagle and Wise boatman braving Stormy Seas....
All were washed in the bath today and I found myself feeling quite sure that something quite special was happening here, as they were shining gradually more and more....Especially Wolf Eagle.
You can see the crown of the Eagle which is the rainbow crown as my imagination names it profoundly.
What next is to do a further wet and dry sand, when I bathe them after some more trimming work needed on the 3 seeds and boatman sculpture, to make the waves a millimetre or more on each wave, circulating round the curvaceous boat, and also to make sure the dips are more dippy....Just like me!

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

''3 seeds lifting stridently and with lightening effect''

This seed sculpture again resembles something that is also of theme less to do with animal, human, insect or plant...But more as a resolve to showing that I am curious as to what life will bring me or others, it will also encourage others to have a philosophic approach in contemplating what always arises through various seeds all around us. And how science tampers with certain seeds too, and how life depends upon all various seeds for life to flourish.
I created this, for this particular stone as it had already a very triangulated look to it, and so in view that its triangulation was good for the lightening effect resembled on the right hand side, I wasn't too worried what was going to look like, as it already has come about quite successfully...
Its success depends entirely on me tinkering very slowly on the curvatures that dip on the undulating currents on the left hand side and creating triangulated inverts on the right hand side, showing fragmented moments in the friction of lightening zapping through the air!! Pazow!!!

Here is my ''Future man in stormy seas''

This one was brought about probably because I loved the ''Aliens'' film.
I loved the fourth part of Aliens involved in showing these spaceships and these rather strange beings that were like Giant humans who had paled. And they weren't the friends of humans at all, killing the very man whose expedition was to go there. Well anyway, that was one angle as to how that came about. Otherwise, it might have also originated from the painting where Robin Williams had shown Matt Damon the painting by numbers in his counselling session....So you can see where my mind is going perhaps in other aspects I am yearning for counselling myself...Or that I have experienced a good feeling with that guy Robin in so far as finding the world comical. And also seeing that I am quite a character, whose plights lie outside the realm of the obvious and just enjoy life for itself.
I am currently listening to Pink Floyd and I think it certainly does something to you, especially with your writeups regarding your observations of how you create and what you create.
I designed this in mind, as a way of stating to myself, that I can also sail into a positive future and see that life is inevitable and that somehow I may make something grow out of my sculpture business...Once it starts to grow....Or I can just tinker meaningfully on my own at times, and still there is a tranquil, positive and uplifting feeling to it....There is a solace and there is a revery that melancholy does not collide with the good and mingles but blurs into a nothing when the tide is riding high....or rising atleast...
It will need quite a bit of work as there are going to be other currents underneath the ones that are emerged and those will be carefully scribed out....

Fire Wisdom Lizard

Here is a Lizard that was brought about because of a previous Lizard first made when I was attempting to learn sculpture making in 2008 after a split with a girlfriend, that was very painful.
However, being that I am quite proactive, I managed to thrive off sculpting for atleast 6 years and made atleast 15 sculptures in all that time, sometime busier than other times.
In the future I look to hopefully having a studio and attempting larger pieces, as it is tempting sometimes to see what ever else manifests as the rock is larger I have more of a lease of life, to scour more rock and make a more grand vision of things.
Here I show Wisdom Lizard which is also been useful for me to write either a short or long story to...

You can see the red part of his face, just like the Fiery fish, except in this case, he has a cheeky and satisfied expression on his right face. He is being Sylvanus who is the father in the story I slowly write...

As you can see what now needs to happen is that I must carefully put more curls on his head and scales all around his eye and mouth area, I then curve out the chin more and I round the nose, I create another nasal passage for the right nostril, I also put a strident look to it, and I work on his cheeky side too....Don't forget the cheek has not quite procured itself either....And so I will make a similar thing and then sand it down to get the right effect.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Wolf Eagle

Here is one of the most specially detailed sculptures as of yet with my need to tinker with my hands.
I have designed this with in my mind, my crest is to do with wolves, however I like to soar high in the heights and observe people....
Being that I am able to do that and make some good conclusions....some of the time.
I thought I would add this eagle into the sculpture. I am glad I have done something like this, as it is a reminder of the previous sculpture ''Falcon with curling finger'' and that one definitely also was quite cleverly mastered according to my vision of something clearly seen but adding other qualities to show an abstract quality too.
It appears that the teeth have come on quite well since I first started it, I have raised the cheek on several occasions and to a depth that possibly can be made to much further.
I like how I curved the beak, as it shows that the eagle has already maybe nipped in the bud his food, for himself or herself. It shall be splendid to upload further photos to show how magnificent the waxing has been, once I get cracking with that!!